Powder Coated Colored Screws used on Roof and Sides:
Powder Coating the new standard in painted finishes absolutely the finest, most durable, protective coating in the fastener industry a technological advance that has changed the industry:
- Outlasts any conventional spray painted finish.
- Powder painted finish lasts the life of your panels. 40 Year Warranty
- Powder coating process paints under the fastener head where corrosion can start.
- Powder Coated Tough Coating over superior JS500 substrate exceeds 3000 Hours Salt Spray Life and Leland exceeds 50 cycles in the SO² Kesternich Test with NO RED RUST !
Screws attached in flat (vs. ribbed) areas of steel panels:
- Installing in the rib allows movement around the critical seal area and that movement then compounds the potential for leaks.
- Installing in the flat area is a tighter, more secure method; there is no gap between steel and wood.
- A firm, lasting grip maximizes seal effectiveness and strength. Structural integrity and leak resistance are not compromised.
- Expansion, contraction and wind are constantly stressing the fasteners, trying to work them free. The tight grip of a screw through the flat doesn’t give these forces any leverage, thus preventing roof leaks and the reduction of building strength.
- When a screw is attached to the flat (instead of ribbed) area of a steel panel, a tighter connection is assured.
- Since a post-frame building gets much of its strength from the steel panels, the tighter it is attached to the building, the better. Putting screws in the flat of the steel panel provides the tightest and best possible connection.